New generation of coaxial and hybrid cables for video surveillance

The continuous evolution of analog and digital video surveillance systems, IP and HD SDI

Beta Cavi S.r.l.


Beta Cavi manufactures and sells a variety of series of cables, for different uses and applications, in the most popular segments of the market.

In Beta Cavi we have a team of…



Beta Cavi HD

The continuous evolution of analog and digital video surveillance systems (HD-SDI) has revealed to date that the weak loop of the system was represented by the type of coaxial cable used.


Fire Evac Tour

Event about fire safety – Beta Cavi and Bosch Security Systems are sponsors for the usual formation event about fire safety issue.

Cables series

Fire resistant Cables

Depending on the application, at a regulatory level, a fire-resistant cable may be required for power lines.

New generation of coaxial and hybrid cables for video surveillance

To optimize the use of the equipment and maximize the performance, Beta Cavi, in collaboration with leading equipment manufacturers, it has developed a new series of high performance coaxial cables.

Cables for alarm and safety systems

The spread of micro-criminality implies the need to protect ourself and protect people closer to us as well as to pay more attention to our affairs.


Coaxial cables for SMATV, analog, digital terrestrial, TV Sat

ARM Antirodents

Designed with the aim of ensuring the maintenance and performance of cables in hostile environments (rodent presence) or in laying conditions where a particular mechanical strength is required.

Wireless 50 Ohm

To cope with technological progress in terms of mobility, it has been necessary to develop a range of 50 Ohm coaxial cables with very low loss for multiple application fields.

We have great ideas for great projects

Since over 40 years we work with great passion to reach new goals, but it would not be possible without your faith for us. Thank you, so much.

Where we are


For informations, do not hesitate to contact us.